Friday, September 18, 2020

Leaders Your Enemies Are Priceless


What if I told you that your enemies are priceless?

Life-changing encounters, filled with difficulties, suffering, and enemies. A short story of an outstanding leader called Nehemiah, which meets trouble time to carry out an impressive vision regardless of the profound resistance. But, despite the troubles and the extreme fight, Nehemiah a powerful and strong leader boosts the hardship versus chances to build up the walls of Jerusalem.

Heck bursts out; still, it takes an individual who is pushing and defying throughout times of frustration. Instead of doubt, worry or retribution, Nehemiah seized the issue to the Lord. A truthful tale of self-empowerment, leadership, and bold determination.

Will Nehemiah achieve his aspirations or yield to the miseries of his enemies?  Or will he discover that discouragement times are emerging from God for a purpose?

How far would you go to accomplish your dreams?

Good day I hope you all well, today I want to share a chapter of my Book Gods Purpose demands persistence. Its chapter where I talk about a Leader is the mids of problems, is tested to overcome adversity despite the issues and circumstances. I hope you enjoy this read.

Chapter 10

Slingshot Effect 

“There is no doubt in my mind, that you can't live by what you see, 

but rather by what you believe.”

Nehemiah really understood his purpose and had persistence. He understood that his purpose demanded skills to get the victory in Jesus Christ. He prayed when needed, acted at the precise moments, and activated his faith. It all worked for Nehemiah, he got the job done despite the troubles he faced during the process. He managed to understand the power of his resistance and how to apply such power to position him in a favorable position before God the King. 

Could Nehemiah have had a slingshot effect? There is a saying that things get worse before they get better. Have you experienced such things? Let me give this story a different twist. I'm not here to defeat all that has been said in this book, but rather to give you a reality check of something that is real even though we can't see it. Just because you cannot see some things, it doesn't mean they don’t exist. 

What if all we have said or written in this book don't work? What if, you do all that has been said and still you find yourself in the same spot you have been for years. Or perhaps, in the same problems without a final resolution. What if you don't get the same results that Nehemiah did?  What if in the midst of your turmoil, God is nowhere to be found? You keep asking yourself, where is God when others are attacking you. What if you persist until the end but still, God doesn't show up. What if? Nothing happens. You have tried it all, but nothing happens. Discouragement shows up instead of God. It seems, the more you do the farther away you move from getting things resolved. You keep praying, but the push isn't there anymore.

All of what we have said in this book is true, but sometimes, reality plays a role that discourages you from seeing things from a different perspective. What if the discouragement is from God? You will not know until you do what you have to do. By doing so, you will undoubtedly release God's power wrapped inside the discouragement. All you need to do is just keep pushing forward.

 Persist in prayer to manifest God's power that will unwrap the gift that is inside the discouragement. It will enrich your life in such troubled times. “What if,” is a doubtful statement that brings uncertainty and discouragement, but it is also a declaration of possibilities that in light of your faith has maximum potential. There is no doubt in my mind, that you can't live by what you see, but rather by what you believe.

It's your belief that will make the invisible visible and bring victory for you. Just because it is not happening now, doesn't mean it will not happen. You have to keep pushing and persisting until the “What if” becomes “I Know So”a positive result in your life.

Nehemiah knew how to pray and act.  He prayed to the Lord and together with his prayer, God revealed a strategy, which would trigger his faith to comply with the mandated task. Another example was Moses when he was at the crossroads that many of us experience every day. Moses was in front of the Red Sea with the people of Israel. He was being pursued by the soldiers of the Pharaoh and facing his disgruntled people who insisted that it would have been better for them to be in Egypt than to die in the desert.

But this kind of discouragement had a very positive outcome, which we all know. Nonetheless, Moses sought the Lord's face to know what he should do. ”It only gets worse before it gets better.” He was pursued by the soldiers of Pharaoh to a place where Moses and his people had no way out. At least that’s what it appeared to be? This left Moses to do what he had to do. Push forward because there was no returning to Egypt. It was crunch time and quitting was not an option. This is a perfect example of a slingshot effect in which Moses found himself. I call it “the syndrome of the slingshot effect”

 But what is the slingshot effect?

Let me explain what this means. When you are using a slingshot you pull back the sling to create enough tension to reach the intended target. The further away the intended target is, the more tension we need to apply to the sling.  The aim here is to hit the TARGET.  While we are pulling the sling more and more toward the back to create the necessary tension, a paradoxical effect is also happening. How? As we are pulling back the slingshot, we are also pulling away from the target. The idea is to hit the target, and for that matter, you need to pull away from it. Pulling away is necessary TO CREATE the tension to reach the proposed goal with precision.

The slingshot effect also happens in our daily lives. As tension is created during difficult times  an illusion comes to mind that we are fading away from our purpose. As the matter at hand intensifies, it hinders our vision and ability to hit the target. Moreover, it seems that we are further away from our prophetic purpose and away from achieving our blessings. Or daily life issues create tension in our lives, but it's that tension that brings the opportunity to make things possible. That very same tension will help us to focus on our target, our godly TARGET in life. In times like these, only a heart connected to God's beat will perceive the vision with an anointing to be persistent.

Everything seems to be failing, you're about to give up,  it seems that there is no purpose, there is no provision,  it seems that no matter how hard you try nothing is working in your favor, and what God once told you “the vision,” the promise is not for you. Everything seems to bebut it is merely that. Remember, we don't move by what we see in front of us, but rather what we believe. And know SO!

If you persevere and resist, if you're tenacious you will be able to perceive in the Spirit that you are in the slingshot effect creating the tension to hit the target, God's Purpose.

 Instead of seeing burned stones you can see a temple, a house, a great wall. God is getting ready to embark on your prophetic destiny. But this promise is for those who resist firmly and are persistent.

We need to make a difference just like the woman with the excessive blood flow. She pushed forward at all times, regardless of the situation and the opposition. She drove herself with perseverance in the midst of the crowd. People pushed her aside and placed her at a distance from Jesus. But she desired and was willing to keep going forward. Her spirit was declaring “If I only touch his outer robe, I will be healed.” 


Then a woman who had suffered from a hemorrhage for twelve years came up behind Him and touched the [tassel] fringe of His outer robe; 21 for she had been saying to herself, “If I only touch His outer robe, I will be healed.” 22 But Jesus turning and seeing her said, “Take courage, daughter; your [personal trust and confident] faith [in Me] has made you well.” And at once, the woman was [completely] healed (Mathew 9:23)


Once again, “If I only touch His outer robe.” It was a declaration of possibilities with a divine guarantee that what she wanted would happen by persisting and believing that everything is possible when you believe in God and His kingdom. It is a declaration reassuring that her sickness could be healed with a touch of Jesus’ robe.

Let us not give up. There is no room for quitting. Persist and resist until something happens because God will show up. Quitting is not an option. Remember God’s Purpose Demands Persistence. Keep pushing forward in Jesus’ name.

Nehemiah’s odyssey lasted 52 days (Neh 16: 15) and the walls were completed.

Make sure that you finish what you have started by persisting at all times.

How To Become A Better leader - A biblical Perspective


How to become a better leader? Let’s begin with a question. What is persistence and what does it mean? The dictionary’s definition is “firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition” (Merriam-Webster)Let’s embark on this teaching with a simple question. What is the most important skill that every person should have in order to achieve success in all of his endeavors? One again the question, How to become a better leader?

Obviously, this is not a question that you can respond to quickly. But let’s think about it, there are many skills that are necessary for success: good management of time, capacity, planning and development of strategies, negotiation skills to manage people, technical skills and professional knowledge in general, among others.

However, when you contemplate further, all of these skills are not as relevant as persistence. Why? Because persistence is an attitude that will help overcome any lack of abilities that I previously mentioned. Skills can be acquired by training or personal experience at any time, we can be taught to negotiate and be good managers. But the magic about this innate quality is that it will strengthen your weaknesses and help you succeed despite the circumstances or obstacles in your way. It is that firm resolve to succeed against the odds that make this attribute so special.

Some of you may say that persistence is a skill but in the kingdom of God, it is not. You can learn to be persistent, but the application of such ability whether it’s mankind’s or God’s will entirely depend on your human nature. You could practice to increase your attention span, improve your psychological approach or pay more attention to detail or task completion,  but we will end up with much improved and sharpened personal abilities rather than a fully developed Spirit-filled nature.

 A skill will train the mind to act and perform adequately and in some cases, above average. It exists in your mind, not in your spirit. Persistence is something that dwells in our spirit man—our godly nature. This attribute is part of our kingdom nature that feeds off God’s favor and faith.

 John Calvin Coolidge Jr. the 30th President the United States of America, said:


 Nothing in this world can take the place that has the persistence, the talent cannot take it, there is nothing more common than unsuccessful men full of talent; the Genius may not take the place of persistence. Underpaid genius is almost a proverb.  Education can’t also take the place of persistence; the world is full of decrepit very well educated.


It’s an amazing quality to be able to persevere with the right attitude when everything around us is collapsing. All of us aspire to be professionals in our preferred fields. Society often defines professional people as those who have the ability to perform efficiently in difficult times. It will involve doing something when our human nature doesn’t want to do so. This takes a person with enough discipline and persistence to do what is asked of him or her. We should be more professional in the management of our lives and make use of discipline and persistence to achieve our goals, more importantly, our godly purpose.

On many occasions, we have made the error of investing time or being paralyzed trying to change our lives, instead of being persistent. We are always looking for the magical answer that can solve our problems. And that’s not surprising because we live in a world that expects instant gratification. Very often, we want to achieve our purposes without understanding that we always have to pay a price to get what we want.

You will never achieve your purposes without going through the process. It will take time, and we don't have time to spare. Achieving your goals will cost you time, money, tears, pain, friends and in some cases, all of your belongings. It will cost you! How much? That is up to you. How much are you willing to give up to achieve God's purpose in your life? Purpose defines why we exist, our reason for being.  More significant is our focus on something greater than ourselves. For example, my purpose in life is to heal the sick. It defines why I exist—to help others, rather than myself. This is the true meaning of purpose.

Remember, first, you have to pay the price and then receive the reward.   There is no such thing as a purpose without a process. It's customary to dream about the things we all want in life by justifying the purpose or reason why we want them, without thinking about the process that we have to endure to make these things happen. Experience tells me that it doesn't work that way. It’s ok to dream, but actions lead to a process that will help you achieve your dream. We don't like painful processes, but we can't live without them. If you define the process and how it works, you will understand how it feeds your purpose and perhaps, realize that you truly have to pay the price before you can receive the reward.

Let’s take Joseph for example. Do you think that he could’ve gone from being Jacob’s son straight into the position of the Governor of Egypt?  Imagine Joseph being interviewed by Pharaoh for the governor’s position, trying to sell himself for such a dignified and trustworthy task. Let me remind you, that trust can only be obtained through a relationship, which requires a lengthy process. All that said, what is wrong with this picture? I'll say—everything.  If Joseph had tried to do things on his own, he would have failed. A divine purpose requires a divine God, a man-made purpose requires a man on his mission.

Going through the “process” prepared Joseph to be the next governor of Egypt. And he did it efficiently and effectively.  His is a story of a young man who went from the Pit to the Palace. A man with a prophetic destiny who took a detour to accomplish his divine destiny. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers who were jealous of him, his skills to explore dreams, and because he was their fathers favorite. He was sold again as a slave to Potiphar, the Pharaoh's chief steward. Falsely accused of trying to have sex with Potiphar's wife who desired him and sought to have an affair with him. He was placed in jail and during his time in prison seized the opportunity that would position him to meet with Pharaoh to interpret his dreams. These events all qualified Joseph to be the next governor of Egypt.


38 So Pharaoh said to his servants, “Can we find a man like this [a man equal to Joseph], in whom is the divine spirit [of God]?” 39 Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since [your] God has shown you all this, there is no one as discerning and clear-headed and wise as you are. 40 You shall have charge over my house, and all my people shall [f]be governed according to your word and pay respect [to you with reverence, submission, and obedience]; only in [matters of] the throne will I be greater than you [in Egypt].” 41 Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “See, I have set you [in charge] over all the land of Egypt.” 42 Then Pharaoh took off his signet ring from his hand and put it on Joseph’s hand, and dressed him in [official] vestments of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck. (Genesis 41:38, AMP)


He neither tried to beat the system, alter the process nor quit. Altering the purpose will get you somewhere other than your prophetic destiny.  Let’s take it into perspective that Joseph was sent to Egypt on a mission from God to be a blessing to others in the severe times of famine. It just seems that God planted a seed in the womb of Egypt to give birth to a rising child “governor” to help this nation in bad times. What am I saying? Well, we all know that Egypt went from having seven years of plenty to seven years of famine:


When the seven years of plenty came to an end in the land of Egypt, 54 the seven years of famine began to come, just as Joseph had said [they would]; the famine was in all the [surrounding] lands, but in the land of Egypt there was bread (food). 55 So when all the land of Egypt was famished, the people cried out to Pharaoh for food; and Pharaoh said to all the Egyptians, ‘Go to Joseph; do whatever he says to you (Genesis 41:53-55 Amplified Bible, AMP).


A seed produces its best when it is planted in good soil. Throughout the growing process, it requires a caregiver to water the soil. It will also require good sunlight, maintenance, and above all, time for it to grow and produce its kind. Rushing the process will most definitely change the outcome of the seed. Accelerating the elements in a God-given purpose will only mess up the process. Lack of persistence, sometimes, changes our perspective in life, and in some instances, we exchange persistence with an unconventional approach to accelerate “shortcuts,” the outcome of our destinies. It's called convenience.

Convenience will only take you to the places you want to be, so it serves your personal interest and purpose rather than God's divine will for your life.  Joseph, an Israelite, could not have been in Egypt as an authority figure if a seed was not planted in the womb of Egypt and Pharaoh did not trust him. The reality is that it took divine intervention to orchestrate such an event.

The same applies to a vision without a mission. The vision is beautiful, it's like holding a picture of the future in your hands. You know it is real, but how are you going to get there and how much are you willing to give up to make it happen? Some of us prefer the position rather than the mission. Yes, we would rather have a title than go through the process that will develop us for the position and will enable us to persist in such endeavors. Can you imagine if Nehemiah had asked the king to grant him the position to be the governor rather than managing the wall rebuilding project in Jerusalem?  

The point is, that God will never grant you a position if you are not a mission-driven person. It’s not about convenience, it's about doing the hard work and going through the process to achieve the best results.

Going through the process will develop you, and shape you so you can know your purpose in life. It will define you in God's kingdom and prepare you for the position He has called you to. It is imperative that you have full credentials in order to assume that position, and going through the process will prepare you for that. It is impossible to efficiently complete the task at hand if there is no process?  There has to be an orderly way to get to the purpose that will lead us to the vision.

The question we have to ask ourselves is, what kind of person do I what to be? In God's kingdom, the question is, who am I?  The “I want to be” deals with my own desires, but the “who am I?” questions the reason for my existence here on the earth. The first question deals with me while the other embarks on a quest to discover what my divine purpose is. You see, knowing who you are in Jesus defines your existence on this earth.

You'll probably ask me what does all of this have to do with persistence? Well, because persistence feeds from a purpose-driven life. If you don't know why God created you and for what purpose, you will live a purposeless existence without a clear vision or anything to achieve. Therefore, there is no need to persevere because you are just existing without a mission. Remember, purpose drives your persistence. We must be mission-driven in all of your doings because the mission will take you to the position.

Not all things come easily. They all require hard work and persistence. If you receive a reward without paying the price, you will never understand the gift and its full potential.  It makes it impossible to unveil its potential and design. It is like giving an eight-year-old child a car, a house, and a full-time job. These are all good things, but will the child be able to manage it all without going through the process of maturation, growing up, and actualizing his full potential?

Persistence plays a crucial role in your success. To develop this attitude and godly attribute, it is very important to first learn to be persistent in the small things that occur in your daily life.

The first step to becoming a master of persistence is having the ability to make clear decisions and do what one intends. Start with being persistent in your eating habits, at work, and in caring for your body. These activities are part of your lifestyle and help to shape your character.

Persistence feeds off your character, and it’s constantly working and managing the best outcome against your own resistance towards your personal goals.   

Many times, we select too many tasks to do at once,  and then either fail to carry them out or do them inadequately.  If you want to run a marathon, you need to prepare by doing daily exercise, perhaps, walking around the block. Then, you can increase the distance and speed of your steps until you're able to run a marathon. It’s the small things that will lead you to big things. If you cannot manage the small details of your life, then you are not ready for the big picture.

His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord’”  (Matthew 25:23 NKJV).

If you are faithful over the few things, God will make you a ruler over the big things. Faithfulness will open doors to better and bigger things in your life. Faithfulness pushes out your “inner God deposit” in you to accelerate your persistence to its maximum potential. When I talk about “inner God deposit,”  I am referring to the Holy Spirit who dwells in you. The gifts, anointing, the purposes in life, the power, and the abilities to do all things for the good of the kingdom.  Being faithful is a perfect way to slowly develop your character and persistence for any endeavors you may embark on in life. It is the same way it should be done when serving God's purpose

Set small goals initially and push until you achieve them. Do not leave them until they are complete. Focus all your attention on achieving what you desire. Learn to be persistent one step at a time. Once you have begun to do a thing, do it, regardless of whether the job is big or small. Do it well or don't do it.

Persistence is definitely a godly attribute that we must develop to succeed in any area of our lives. Nothing can replace it because it comes from God. The most difficult thing is to start, so let’s do it.

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Friday, September 11, 2020

Great Tips To Become An Outstanding Leader

Wherever you are, leaders are important, whether it’s leading powerful organizations or just to make sure a group of friends is having a good time here are the seven traits that all outstanding leaders possess.

They radiate positive energy.

There is nothing more important in a team than passion and the will to succeed and having a positive leader is an important part of that. Sometimes I sign on to Facebook, and I see these status updates that just reeks of negativity.

These people are not outstanding leaders and, more often than not, they are unsuccessful. Either great leaders radiate positive energy. Not only does that make them more likable, leading to more trust.

It also boosts the teams. Morale and countless studies have shown a positive relationship between team morale and productivity.

Leaders Are Proactive -The End Result of Focus

They have a proactive attitude when something goes wrong. It’s easy to blame someone else or to find out why it happened immediately. The great leaders put that aside, they shift their focus entirely on solving the problem. 

I used to be in charge of the takeout service at the restaurant I worked at, so people would call to make their order and my job is to make sure everything is packed and given to the right person.

It was a busy restaurant, so mistakes weren’t that uncommon this one time after a customer came to pick up his food. I realized that we forgot to pack part of his order. I was fairly new at the time and I didn’t know what to do, but luckily one of the owners of the restaurant was there.

So I explained to him what happened, he didn’t blame me. He didn’t even ask how it happened. Instead, he told me to call the customer, apologize for what happened and then tell him we will personally deliver the missing part of his order to his house.

At the end of the day, the owner sat down with me to talk about how we can prevent something like this from happening again, but he did it at the end of the day. Not when the problem was still unresolved. Great leaders know what to focus on at any given point in time. They are proactive

Leaders delegate tasks completely -Trust Your Team -Delegate

Great leaders realized that they can’t do everything themselves, so they focus on the most difficult tasks and delegate the rest to others.

Let’s say you make more than $30 an hour. Yet every week you still spend several hours cleaning your house and doing the laundry, considering a maid costs around $30 an hour. You might decide it’s worthwhile to hire one to do your housework for you.

When I first started delegating my work to others. I was hesitant because I knew that I could probably do a better job than the person I’m. Assigning it too, for example, a maid might put your clothes in the wrong drawer every once in a while, but still, hire her because the extra time you get to work on more valuable tasks outweighs the negatives.

Delegating also means fully trusting your team to do the task without micromanaging their every move, great leaders delegate tasks to others and trust them to get the job done. 

 Leaders are approachable.

A great leader is one who their teammates could see themselves approaching whenever they have a concern when they need someone to discuss things. When Sam Walton opened over a dozen Walmart stores, he was still available to privately talk to anyone of his thousands of employees.

Was this a reason Sam Bowen was so successful? We can’t say for sure, but he is a prime example of someone who’s approachable and it’s. So happens he’s. Also, one of the most notable leaders in the last three decades.

There is a saying that’s very appropriate in this situation, and that is a non-productive work. The environment is one where employees are discouraged to speak up, fearing the loss of their jobs. Great leaders encourage feedback from all members of the organization. They are approachable.

Leaders do what they expect of others. 

If you expect your team to work hard and produce great results, you’re going to have to do the same. When I was a kid I worked at Wendy’s, the fast-food restaurant there were two managers there, Maria and Frances Maria was very good at telling us what to do, but she would always be in her office talking on the phone with her Boyfriend we listened to her, but none of us respected her, and that is because she doesn’t place.

The same expectations for herself as she does for us. Frances, on the other hand, was different. He didn’t have a lot of leadership traits. In fact, he even had trouble telling us what to do, but the one thing he did have been he pulled his own weight when it was busy. He would grab the spatula and start flipping burgers alongside us.

As a result, he gained the respect of everyone whenever he was our manager. We worked hard because we wanted to, for Francis, a great leader sets an example and, as a result, gains the respect of his or her entire team.

Leaders are accountable.

Your team’s. Mistakes are your mistakes because you are their leader. Remember the restaurant example when we left out part of the customers order the owner and I personally went to deliver what we missed.

Imagine the owner of a restaurant coming to your doorstep to apologize for their mistake. That is unheard of, and yet that is exactly the level of accountability. Prominent leaders practice all the time it’s, not just about responsibility.

Is All About The Next Step

It’s about taking the next step to make things right. Influential leaders are accountable and, lastly, they are decisive a lot of times. Leaders have to make decisions they are not sure of, but once they have enough evidence to suggest making that decision.

They stick with it, and they do it with confidence. Imagine that you are the commander of an army, and you have to decide whether to enter the enemy territory from the north or from the west.

There’s, no information which one makes more sense, but you will still have to choose because, without you, their leader, half of your army might invade from the north and half from the West, and some might even call it quits And retreat, therefore, your job as a leader isn’t to always make the right decision, but it’s deciding in order to keep the team together.

Final Thoughts

Wrong decisions could be fixed, but a scattered team is a recipe for disaster. Outstanding leaders are decisive and confident in their decisions. I hope these tips help you become a better leader and, as always, I hope you enjoyed it.

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Friday, September 4, 2020

Strengthen Your Willpower Self Discipline

Hello, Carmelo here, and today I want to talk to you about one of the single best qualities that you can develop for success. Actually, it's, the best quality and the most important quality, and without it nothing is possible. The greatest secret ever kept is that there is no secret about your success. It all predictable. There are only timeless principles that have been proven effective throughout the centuries there's one special quality that you can develop.

That will guarantee your greater success, accomplishment, and happiness in the life of a thousand principles for success developed over the ages. This one quality or practice will accomplish more to guarantee that you achieve superb things with your life than all else.

Self Discipline  A Guarantee for Success

120x123 Miracle of Self-Discipline The quality is so important that if you don't develop it to a high degree, it's impossible for you to ever achieve, but you are truly capable of achieving the quality that I'm. Talking about. Is the quality of self-discipline? It is a habit of practice, a philosophy, and a way of living. Success comes for people just like you and me who are highly disciplined in the important work that we do. 

Unsuccessful men and women are undisciplined and unable to control their behaviors, appetites. It is a fact that when you develop the same high levels of personal discipline, possessed by the most goal-oriented successful people in our society, you will very soon begin to achieve the same results that they do.

One Thing at a Time "Multitasking not

It's, no miracle. Success in your life will always be preceded by long continuous periods of focused effort on a single goal. yes, one goal! The most important goal, with the determination to stay with it until it is complete throughout history, we find that every man or woman who achieves anything lasting and worthwhile had Engaged in long often unappreciated hours, weeks months, and even years of concentrated discipline work in a particular direction.

Fortunately, the quality of self-discipline is something that you can't learn by continuous practice over and over until you master it once you & # 39, ve mastered the ability to delay gratification, the ability to discipline yourself to keep your attention focused on the most important tasks in front of you.

There is virtually no goal that you cannot accomplish and no tasks that you cannot complete. I have studied successful men and women for more than 40 years and in the simplest of terms, successful men and women are those who work almost all the time on high-value tasks, unsuccessful men and women are those who waste their time by wasting the minutes and hours Of each day on low-value activities, you see there is a crowding out the principle in time and personal management.

Time Management -  Invest your Time Wisely

It simply says that if you spent all of your time on highly productive tasks by the end of the day, you will have crowded out all the unproductive activities that might have distracted you from your real work and from what's really important. On the other hand, if you spend your time on low-value activities, the reverse happens. Those low-value activities will crowd out the time that you need to complete the task that can make all the difference in your life and the key to this attitude toward time. Personal management is always a self-discipline natural gift.

300x250 Time Management There are several disciplines that you need to develop. If you want to achieve your full potential, the first of these is the discipline of goals. This means that you sit down with a pad of paper, a pen, and ample time to think you think through and then make a written list of all the things that you want to accomplish in the next 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 years.

Arrange the list into the different aspects of your life, your vocation, your cash, your family, your wellbeing, and different parts that are essential to you.

Interesting enough. If you can be clear about your goals and write them down there's nothing that can stop you from achieving them. But if you're, not clear, that means that you haven't written them down there's, nothing that can help you. You set priorities among your goals and rewrite your lists so that your most important goals are at the top.

You now take a different piece of paper and you make a list of the apparent multitude of things that you can consider doing right at the moment to push you toward the fulfillment of your most significant objectives. Completely 97 % of grown-up Americans are attempting to carry on with their lives without clear, explicit composed objectives.

This is the same as setting off across an unknown country without a road map you may get somewhere eventually, but it will take you much longer and it's far more likely that you will get lost and waste an enormous amount of time than If you planned your trip carefully with a road map and full information about the future terrain before you started out, the second discipline you need to develop for success is the discipline of planning.

Final Thoughts

May individuals believe that they are too occupied to even think about planning or they don't give themselves sufficient opportunity to design a plan. You will save ten minutes in execution, getting the job done for every minute that you invest in planning.

You will get a 1,000 percent return on your time, investment by taking the time to think through in advance what you are going to do in the hours and days ahead. Now I'd love to hear from you, so my question today is this: its self-discipline, important to you, leave a comment below and I'll, be sure to follow up with you thanks for watching and remember.

If there is a possibility of changing your future is to do something now, not tomorrow. To be successful takes action. Doit now.